Health Risk Assessment

Your responses do not, in any way, impact your health plan coverage or services. Please note: In some cases, you may only be allowed to submit one survey per year.

Completion of this HRA is purely voluntary but required to receive employer incentive.

* denotes required information

About Yourself...
Group:* Decatur Memorial Hospital
First Name:*
Last Name:*
DMH Employee's Name:*
Insured's Employer:*
Employee ID:
Home Address:
Home Phone Number: format: ### ### ####
Contact Phone Number*
(9am to 5pm EST):
format: ### ### ####
Last-4 of Social Security Number:*
format: ####
Date of Birth:* format: mm/dd/yyyy
Height:* feet inch(es)
Weight:* pounds
Hip Measurement:* inches
Waist Measurement:* inches
Gender:*  Male
Primary Language:*  English
Race:*  African American
 Native American
 Pacific Islander

Current Health Status... * an answer is required for each question
I would rate my current health status as:  Excellent
 Extremely Poor
I currently take ___ medications per day:  None
 More than 5
I was treated in the Emergency Room ___ times this past year:  None
 4 or more
I was hospitalized ___ times this past year:  None
 4 or more
I currently have the following health problems:  Migraines or Recurrent Headaches
 Frequent Dizziness or Blurred Vision
 Chronic Sinus Problems or Infections
 Recurrent or Frequent Colds or Flu
 Severe Allergies
 Recent Stroke or TIA (Transient Ischemic Attack)
 Frequent Ear Infections and/or untreated hearing loss
 Frequent or Severe Dental Problems
 Frequent Sore Throats or Throat Infections
 COPD, Emphysema, Severe or Frequent bronchitis
 Recent Heart Attack, Bypass Surgery, Cardiac Catheterization
 Hypertension or High Blood Pressure
 Elevated Cholesterol or Triglycerides
 Irregular Heart Beat, Arrhythmia, Atrial Fibrillation, SVT
 Peptic Ulcers, Severe or Recurrent Heartburn
 Frequent Abdominal Pain or Vomiting
 Recurrent Constipation and/or Diarrhea
 Renal Failure, Dialysis
 Trouble Urinating
 Menstruation Problems
 Sexual Dysfunction or Reproductive difficulties
 Frequent Swelling of legs or feet
 Blood Clots in legs, DVT
 Recurrent or Frequent Broken Bones
 Chronic Back Pain
 Loss of Sensation in Arms or Legs
 Chronic Pain in location other than back
 Cancer or Leukemia
 None of the above

About your lifestyle... * an answer is required for each question
Are you currently pregnant?  Not Applicable
How many servings of fruit and vegetables do you eat per day?

1 serving = about the size of a tennis ball. Example: 1/2 cup fruit and vegetables

 At least 5
How many servings of whole grain do you eat per day?

1 serving = about the size of a tennis ball. Example: 1 slice of bread, 1/2 cup pasta

 1 or 2
 3 or more
How many servings of dairy (milk, cheese, etc.) do you consume per day?

1 serving = One, 8-ounce glass of milk, 1 ounce of cheese is about the size of your thumb

 1 or 2
 3 or more
Do you eat green leafy vegetables (kale, spinach, lettuce, etc…) on most days?  Yes
How many servings of fish/seafood do you eat per week?  None
 2 or more
How many times per day do you eat butter, lard, red meat, cheese, whole milk?  None
 2 or more
Do you eat stick margarine, vegetable shortening, store bought baked goods (cookies, cakes, pies), or deep fried fast foods on most days?  Never
 Less than 3 days per week
 4 or more days per week
Do you eat oil based salad dressing or use liquid vegetable oil for cooking on most days?  Yes
How many servings of refined starch (white bread, white rice, white pasta, potatoes, low fiber cereal like puffed rice or corn flakes) do you eat per day?  None
 3 or more
What is your normal daily consumption of alcohol?  None
 4 or more
Do you utilize any street drugs, or prescription drugs not prescribed specifically for you?  Yes
Do you use any prescription drugs over the prescribed dosage for you?  Yes
Do you smoke?  Yes
 Used to, but I have quit
Are you routinely or frequently exposed to other people’s smoke from cigarettes or cigars?  Yes
Do you use chewing tobacco?  Yes
 Used to, but I have quit
How many days per week do you walk at least 30 minutes (or do at least 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise)?  None
How many hours per week do you engage in moderate physical activity? (walking, biking, etc.)  None
 30 minutes
 1 hour
 1.5 hours
 2 hours
 2.5 hours
 > 3 hours
How many hours per week do you engage in vigorous physical activity? (jogging, swimming)  None
 30 minutes
 1 hour
 1.5 hours
 2 hours
 2.5 hours
 > 3 hours
How many days per week do you engage in moderate to high intensity muscle strengthening / stretching?  None
 1 day
 2 days
 3 days or more
Have you recently been experiencing any of the following (check all that apply)?  Feelings of sadness, anxiety or hopelessness every day for 2 or more weeks
 Lack of interest or pleasure in usual activities, hobbies, or pastimes
 A sudden increase or decrease in appetite
 Trouble sleeping for 2 or more weeks
 Excessive sleepiness
 Thoughts of death or suicide
 Low energy every day for 2 or more weeks
 Feelings of worthlessness
 Change in work performance
 None of the above
Does your spouse or significant other (check all that apply):  Hurt you physically when he/she gets angry
 Prevent you from seeing your friends or family
 Threaten you or yell at you
 Make you feels worthless or powerless
 Intimidate, berate, or harass you verbally
 None of the above
Are you the primary caregiver for a family member, friend, or do you provide care for someone as your occupation?  Yes
 I used to be
What is your blood pressure?  Unknown

Systolic (top number)  <90
 90 - 135
 135 - 150
 > 150

Diastolic (bottom number)  <50
 50 - 90
 > 90
What is your total cholesterol?  Over 240
 200 to 239
 Less than 200
What is your HDL?  Over 35
 29 to 35
 Less than 29
What is your LDL?  Over 130
 Under 130
What is your fasting blood sugar?  Over 250
 126 - 250
 100 - 125
 70 - 100
 Under 70
Do you perform breast self-examination?  Not applicable
 Yes, at least monthly
 Yes, but not on a regular schedule or only occasionally
Do you perform testicular self exam?  Not applicable
 Yes, at least monthly
 Yes, but not on a regular schedule or only occasionally
Have you recently noticed any of the following (check all that apply):  A lump or thickening in the breast/chest or armpit
 Any flattening or indentation of the breast/chest skin
 Any puckering, pitting or dimpling of the breast/chest skin
 Clear or bloody nipple discharge
 A nipple that suddenly becomes retracted or drawn inward
 Redness of the breast/chest skin
 None of the above
When was your last mammogram?  Not applicable
 I am over 50, or have found a lump on breast self exam, or have a family history of breast cancer, but have never had a mammogram
 I am under 50, have never found a lump on breast self exam, and have no family history of breast cancer so have never had a mammogram
 My last mammogram was within the past 1 year
 My last mammogram was within the past 2 years
 My last mammogram was more than 2 years ago
When was your last Pap test?  Not applicable
 Prior to my hysterectomy
 More than 3 years ago
 Between 1 and 3 years ago
 Less than 1 year ago
 I have never had a Pap Test
When was your last prostate exam?  Not applicable
 Within the past year
 I am under 50 and have had an exam within the past 5 years
 I am over 50 and have had an exam between 1 and 5 years ago
 Over 5 years ago
 I have never had a prostate exam
When was your last colorectal cancer screening?  I am under 50 years old
 I am over 50 years old and have had a sigmoidoscopy within the last 7 years
 I am over 50 years old and had a sigmoidoscopy more than 7 years ago
 I am over 50 years old and have never had a sigmoidoscopy
When was your last dental exam?  Never
 More than 5 years ago
 Between 1 and 5 years ago
 In the past 1 year
When was your last flu shot?  I never get flu shots because I am allergic
 My doctor has advised me to not take flu shots
 I am under 50 and do not routinely get flu shots
 I am over 50 and do not routinely get flu shots
 I get a flu shot annually
Have you had any recent (within the last 6 months) changes in bladder or bowel habits?  No
 Yes, but my doctor said it was normal
 Yes, and I have not yet discussed it with a doctor
Have you noticed a lump or thickening in the breast or elsewhere?  No
 Yes, but my doctor said it was normal
 Yes, and I have not yet discussed it with a doctor
Have you had any unusual bleeding or discharge?  No
 Yes, but my doctor said it was normal
 Yes, and I have not yet discussed it with a doctor
Do you have any slow or non-healing sores?  No
 Yes, but my doctor said it was normal
 Yes, and I have not yet discussed it with a doctor
Have you had any obvious changes to size, shape, or color of a wart or mole?  No
 Yes, but my doctor said it was normal
 Yes, and I have not yet discussed it with a doctor
Have you recently had a nagging cough or hoarseness?  No
 Yes, but my doctor said it was normal
 Yes, and I have not yet discussed it with a doctor
If given the opportunity to work with a nurse to alter your risk creating lifestyle, behavior, or diet practices I would...  Be an active participant in anything the RN had to offer as long as it was inexpensive
 Be an active participant in anything the RN had to offer as long as it was free
 Listen to what the RN has to say then make my own adjustments
 Prefer to have information by mail or e-mail only, and not talk with a RN
 Not be willing to address these issues further
What would motivate you to make health life syle changes?  Health courses sponsored by DMH
 Better variety of healthy foods in Cafe
 Discounted gym membership at DMH facilities/YMCA

* denotes required information

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